Silverstripe - Replacing Files and Updating Link Labels
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LATEST UPDATE: 3/23/2021, 1:46:22 PM

Paste screenshots/images and type text

- Find page and link on page
- Click on link once 
- Click [Edit Link]

The file shows on the left highlighted, but the name may be incomplete.
- Click the [Details] button on the upper right.

Now the document details show on the right.
- Click the three dots on the bottom.

- Select [Repace file]

- Select the file from your computer
(The filename may differ from the filename on the server/website, this is ok.) 

After a little while, the document is uploaded and has replaced the current file on the server/website.
(For some reason the dialog box does not vanish, ignore it and work around it.)

A quirk common problem is PDF-file buffering, browsers store recently opened images and PDF-files on the web page visitor's computer. To avoid this, we recommend to change the file name on the server after each update.
- Add (or change) any part of the filename, e.g. adding " - new", " - current", " - latest", or something to the filename (second box).


- On the bottom press [Publish] to apply the change.
Now the new document is posted on the website.

This completes the part of updating the document, at this time the DOCUMENT LINK (the publicly visible part) has NOT changed.


To additionally update the link label, the publicly visible posting to access the document.
- close the files window.

- click on the link again, this time IGNORE the options showing. Just edit the text and press [Publish]

This completes the process of updating the document and changing the link label on the website.




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